Mountain Bike at Phil's World or Carpenter/Geer Natural Area
Phil's World is an incredible place to mountain bike and has a diverse range of trails for any skill level! Check out the trails at: Carpenter/Geer Natural Area, located within the city limits of Cortez, is also a great place to ride! You can find maps and information about trails at: https://www.mtbproject.com/directory/8013812/cortez
Take a walk through Hawkins Nature Preserve
Hawkins Nature Preserve is 122-acre park with miles of interloping trails and several archeological sites. A trail map can be found at: https://cortezculturalcenter.org/hawkins-preserve. If you are hoping for a guided experience, Cortez Tours (https://www.corteztours.com/) offers nature hikes at sunrise and mid-morning.
Hike at Sand Canyon in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
With breathtaking red cliff walks and staggering rock formations, the Sand Canyon Trail System is a must-do in Cortez. Mountain biking and horse-riding is also allowed in this section of Canyons of the Ancients, so hiking isn't the only option. Southwest Colorado Canyons Alliance also offers guided hikes in the Monument. You can learn more about these tours at: https://swcocanyons.org/tours/
Dine on one of the many outdoor patios in Cortez
For a small, rural town Cortez has surprisingly good restaurants. On a warm summer day (or evening), it's always enjoyable to sit outside on one of the patios. My personal favorite patios are Loungin' Lizard (https://www.lounginlizardcortez.com/), Stonefish Sushi (https://www.stonefishsushi.com/), and La Casita de Cortez (https://www.lacasitadecortez.com/)
Mesa Cafe (https://www.mesacafecortez.com/), which shares a building with WildEdge Brewing Collective (https://www.wildedgebrewing.com/), also has a nice outdoor sitting area. You can always meet interesting people at this local favorite!
Feed the ducks in the park!
The City of Cortez has an impressive 250+ acres of parks within the city limits, and all are free and open to the public! Near the library is the duck pond, a local favorite of children. Once, the town children were in for a surprise, however, when a rooster escaped his pen and swam across the pond to make the little island his new home! (The rooster - which are illegal to own in the city - was later apprehended and taken to a farm outside the city.)
Find all the murals in downtown Cortez
Southwest Colorado has a long history of artistic talent, and Cortez is no exception. With over 20 murals in the downtown area, you can spend an afternoon exploring the hidden artwork of this small City. You can check out a map of the murals and more information at: https://shopcortez.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/crea-mural-brochure-tour-cortez-oct-2023.pdf. Cortez Tours also leads a public art tour on Fridays. Tickets can be purchased for as little as $5 at: https://fareharbor.com/embeds/book/corteztours/
Swim at the outdoor pool
Allegedly, one of the highest elevation outdoor pools in the United State is located in Cortez. Usually open from Memorial Day through mid-August, the pool has a large slide and lap times during the lunch hour. You can learn more about the outdoor pool at: https://www.cortezco.gov/465/Municipal-Outdoor-Pool
Play Pickleball
Pickleball has taken the U.S. by storm in the last decade, and Cortez has its own set of avid/enthusiastic pickleball players. You can find them playing all hours of the day - and night!- in the summer months. They are a friendly bunch, and happy to have a new comer join their competitions! The pickleball courts are located right next to the Cortez Library. You can learn more about the Cortez Pickleball Club at: https://cortezpickleball.com/.
Golf on the Conquistador golf course
Golfing is a popular past-time of many Cortez locals. Take a swing on a course that has views of Mesa Verde! You can learn more about the Conquistador golf club at https://fourcornersgolf.com/.
Rent a Paddle Board or Kayak and explore McPhee Reservoir
The McPhee Reservoir is one of the largest bodies of water in Colorado, and a popular place for boating. While swimming is frowned upon, you can rent kayaks and paddle boards at Dolores River Outfitters (https://www.doloresoutfitters.com/) and spend a sunny day on the "lake." Put-ins for your small crafts are only a short drive from the retail store.